Cyber Monday


Okay so if you have any money left, welcome! This post isn’t going to be nearly as extensive with links as my Black Friday post simply because a lot of those sales are still going on and have ACTUALLY gotten better. If you shop at Fashion Nova, they raised their 50% off to 50% - up to 90% off everything. In the words of my cousin, they are practically bullying us to buy stuff at this point. hahahah but shall we move on to Cyber Monday?!

Honestlyyyyyyy, at this point I’d focus on either buying gifts or prepping for the new year. Some cool gifts from Amazon (affiliate links) to get are:

Again this gift guide was short and sweet to the point, because it’s Monday and if you’re reading this you’re probably at work, on your way to work, on lunch and don’t have too much time. I’ll be creating more Holiday Gift Guides throughout the month but thought we could start off the gift giving season with something simple.

Until next time my loves,

xo — ShannonAshley